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RAM - remote area medical

Remote Area Medical (RAM)



Remote Area Medical (RAM) is a major nonprofit provider of free mobile clinics. Our mission is to prevent pain and alleviate suffering by providing free, quality healthcare to those in need. We do this by delivering free dental, vision, and medical services to underserved and uninsured individuals. RAM’s Corps of more than 155,000 volunteers–licensed dental, vision, medical, and veterinary professionals–have treated more than 800,000 individuals delivering more than $150 million worth of free care.

RAM at Central Bearden | June 25-26, 2022


  • Set-up: Friday, June 24
  • Clinic: Saturday & Sunday
  • Tear-Down: Sunday, June 26

Important Notes for Volunteers:

  • If you had previously registered and still plan to volunteer, you do not need to do anything else. You will receive more information from RAM after March 1.
  • If you would like to participate and have not registered with RAM, registration tables will be in the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings until February.
  • If you had previously registered and cannot participate, please let us know so we can plan accordingly.

Contact: Wayne Smith at [email protected], or Mike Davis at [email protected] or Pam Davis at [email protected] .


Contact Name
Wayne Smith

Contact Information
