Be Our Guest!
6300 Deane Hill Dr. | Sunday Bible Study 9:00am & Worship 10:30am
Welcome to Central Bearden!
We love having you as our guest here on the Central Bearden website, or watching the Sunday Worship livestream. Please let us know you are our guest by submitting the form below. Also, feel free to ask any questions you may have about the church, its ministries, following the ways of Jesus, or becoming a partner with Central Bearden. Thank you!

Every Sunday at 6300 Deane Hill Drive
Bible Study at 9:00 AM | Worship at 10:30 AM
What To Expect
Where Do I Park?
Guest Parking is available at the intersection of Deane Hill Dr/Chiles Rd/Kingston Pike, right by the Welcome Center. Look for the steeple, and follow the signs upon arriving.
What Do I Wear?
Some folks at Central Bearden wear business-casual attire, or dress up, on Sundays. Others wear everything from jeans and t-shirts to dresses and jackets. You are encouraged to dress as you feel comfortable!
What Happens in Bible Study?
The 9:00 AM Bible Study hour provides groups for every stage of life. Children and Students are grouped by age and grade, and are provided with safe spaces and adult leaders. College students and beyond are divided by stage of life. Groups spend time encouraging one another, and study scripture - discussing its application for our lives. To find a group that fits you, visit the Connect tab or Contact Us!
What Happens in Worship?
Worshiping with the Central Bearden community consists of meaningful, multi-generational gatherings of music, scripture, art and prayer, as well as messages from our pastor. The church’s 10:30 AM gathering on Sunday mornings typically lasts an hour. The church sings songs, both new and old, to bring people together in expressive and heart-felt worship. Central Bearden's worship pastor, alongside a vocal team & choir, worship band and other instrumentalists are all part of leading songs of worship. Various art forms are used, from paintings to digital media, from creative displays to print, from live dramatic vignettes to expressive video presentations. The pastor’s messages often follow a themed series or focal book of the Bible, and the church often follows the Christian year. Worship is live, in-person, and streamed every Sunday here via the church’s website, YouTube and Facebook.
What Do My Kids Do on Sundays?
The Children's Ministry provides outstanding Bible study groups at 9:00 AM for preschoolers and kids through grade 5. For the church's Sunday worship gathering, young children are invited to go to Kids Celebration about halfway through the worship service, where they enjoy a continued age-appropriate worship gathering (first 3 Sundays of each month only). Parents pick up kids immediately after worship. For teenagers in middle school and high school, the Journey Room on the top floor is the place to be for fellowship and learning with other students, led by trained youth ministers. Students attend the church's multi-generational worship gathering at 10:30 AM.
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