Lighthouse at Austin Homes
A faith-based organization ministering to Austin Homes Community (E. Knox) through After School Tutoring Program, Ladies Bible study, & emergency food pantry
How You Can Help
- Children's ministry: tutor school aged children (grades 1-8), help prepare/serve meals, plan and lead a summer activity
- Ladies Bible Study Group: teach/help, prepare/serve lunch
- Building Maintenance: cleaning floors
- Build and Maintain a website: quarterly newsletter
- Mentoring High Schoolers who were formerly in their children's program
When You Can Help
- Children's Ministry: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:15 - 5:15 (during school year); June and July (dates and times are flexible)
- Ladies Bible Study: Thursday, 11:30 - 1:30 (during school year)
- Building Maintenance: 1 morning per week, during school year
- Back to School: packing backpacks with school supplies
- Christmas shopping and parties for women group and children group
Contact Name
Jeanette Witt
Contact Information
1205 Old Vine Ave., Knoxville, TN 37915
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