
Blog > Evangelism

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

Our Eastertide Psalm for this Sunday is none other than the 23rd Psalm. The well-known, often-recited first verse is…

Creation Care Every Day

Creation Care Every Day

I’m often surprised at the number of Christians I encounter who don’t recycle. This probably seems like a weird way to start a blog post – but it’s just something that’s been on my mind. 

The Movement

The Movement

Has the Movement Jesus started plateaued, stalled, or burnt out? Does any revolution or movement or new song ever last…

Psalm 4, Unbelief, & Trust

Psalm 4, Unbelief, & Trust

Somewhere along the way, I read that Psalm 4 is good for what ails you. The psalm clearly reflects on God’s ability to…

Untangling the Opioid Crisis

Untangling the Opioid Crisis

Just two years ago, nearly 50,000 people in the United States died from opioid-involved overdoses. Nationally, more than…



We have just celebrated Easter and oh how we needed that celebration this year. But Easter isn’t over. For the Christian…

He Is Risen

He Is Risen

Easter 2021 was different but also familiar. After not being able to gather together to celebrate our Savior’s resurrection…

Holy Week

Holy Week

We call it Holy Week even though it’s not a phrase or description that’s found in scripture. It’s a tag we’ve created…

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

It must have been an incredibly exciting day! Jesus arrives in Jerusalem the last week before his impending death…

Ides of March

Ides of March

I’m writing this on the Ides of March. Sounds ominous, I know. Shakespeare made this day famous in his play, “Julius…

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