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Our Young Adults ministry is a community of believers – graduate students, 20-somethings, early-30s, singles, and married couples – pursuing our relationship with Jesus. We are dedicated to living faith-driven lives alongside one another while offering love and support through all situations.
Sunday Bible Study
Bible Study begins at 9:00am in the CORE (6310 Deane Hill Drive) on the west side of Central Bearden’s campus. Donuts and a time of community, growth, and Bible Study.
Weekday Bible Study
It’s difficult to go through this life alone. As a group we recognize the importance of rallying around each other. Whether you’re on a journey with God, not sure about all this God stuff, or just want to know more, we would love for you to join us. On Thursdays at 7:00 we gather in men’s groups and women’s groups to study God’s Word, ask questions, and be encouraged.