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Worship Groups

Preschoolers & Kids

3 Years – 5th Grade

Preschool Music

Children ages 3-5 meet on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM during the school year for music, movement and worship experiences. They are featured in Sunday morning worship at times, and present special programs at Christmas and spring. Contact Laura Lindsay, Kids Worship Arts Coordinator, for more information.

Kids Worship Arts

During the school year, kids Kindergarten-1st grade meet in room 207-209 on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM, and 2nd-5th grades meet in room 200-206. By experiencing and participating in various musical, visual and technical arts, kids learn what a life of worship means, and they discover ways to develop, express and give their gifts back to God! These groups participate in Sunday morning worship at various times throughout the year, and present special programs around Christmas and during the spring. Contact Laura Lindsay, Kids Worship Arts Coordinator, for more information.

String Class

Older elementary school students with some stringed instrument experience are invited to participate on Wednesdays, 5:00-5:45 PM, alongside middle school, high school, college students and adults. This is not a "beginners group." To learn more, contact Trey Lindsay, Director of Instrumental Music, or Pam Robertson, Class Leader, in the Worship Ministries office.

Kids Celebration

Elementary kids worship together on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month. These kids depart the regular Sunday morning churchwide worship gathering before the pastor's message (announced on screens) and meet in the Kids Celebration room for worship, music, scripture and other creative elements. Their parents stay in the sanctuary for the remainder of churchwide worship, and proceed to the Kids Celebration room for pick-up following services. This time is led by Kim Ponder (Children's Minister), Laura Lindsay (Kids Worship Arts Director) and adult volunteers, all screened for safety and guidance. For more information, contact the Central Bearden Children's Ministry office.

Adults & Students

Middle School, High School, College, Adults

Worship Choir (multigenerational worship choir)

This is a non-auditioned choir for teenagers, college students and adults that meets most Wednesday nights in the Choir Room from 7-8:30 PM. This worship-leading group enjoys great community, sharing and rehearsing to express praise and devotion to Jesus. Sanctuary Choir leads in weekly Sunday morning worship and presents special, seasonal concerts, including Christmas and spring. A new season begins each August and runs through June, with a break at Christmas. However, new singers are welcome at any time. There are only 2 requirements for participation, 1) the ability to match pitch, and 2) a commitment to regular rehearsals and worship. For more information, contact Mark Groves, Assoc. Pastor for Worship and the Arts, or Laura Lindsay, Worship Associate in the Worship Ministries office.

Central Winds & Brass (orchestra)

Central Winds (woodwinds, brass, percussion) are a vital part of leading and enhancing the worship experience on Sunday mornings. We are currently also inviting string players to join the group. Though this is a non-auditioned group, experience is necessary. Central Winds plays in worship regularly, and often with the Sanctuary Choir for special, seasonal concerts. Rehearsals are Wednesday nights in the Orchestra Room, 7:00-8:30 PM. For more information, contact Trey Lindsay, Director of Instrumental Music, or Laura Lindsay, Worship Associate in the Worship Ministries office. Central Brass is a select ensemble that rehearses Sunday afternoons, 4:30-5:30 PM.

String Class

A string class is currently meeting on Wednesdays, 5:00-5:45 PM. Violinists, violists, cellists and string bass players of various skill levels are invited to participate. To learn more, contact Trey Lindsay, Director of Instrumental Music, or Pam Robertson, Class Leader, in the Worship Ministries office.

Worship Band & Vocals; Midweek Band

The Sunday morning worship band and vocalists lead the church in weekly worship on a rotating basis. Players include keyboardists, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums and more. This group also participates with the entire Worship Ministries for special concerts and events. The Midweek Band leads in Student Ministry worship on Wednesdays, Morning Worship on 5th Sundays, and other special events.

Audio/Visual Tech Team

Do you love serving in the background, or have skills mixing audio, running lights or screen/video presentations? Yes?! Then this is the place for you. Our great group of tech volunteers and staff run the technical components of Sunday Morning worship including livestream cameras and audio, in-sanctuary cameras, audio, lighting, and screens. To find your place with this team, please contact Jonathan Rester, Production Director, in the Worship Ministries office.

Central Bearden Ringers

We have opportunities for experienced handbell ringers to rehearse and play together for worship and special seasonal events. This handbell ensemble currently rehearses on Sunday afternoons. Contact Laura Lindsay, Worship Associate, in the Worship Ministries office.

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