Building Community In Worship | Part 3

Building Community In Worship | Part 3

Psalm 78:4 – We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We will tell of His power and the mighty miracles he did. This is the final blog in a 3 part series on multi-generational worship at...


The Indescribable God How can we describe the indescribable? How can we comprehend the incomprehensible? As we usually discover, scripture points us in the right direction, guiding our human quest to know and understand more.  The Old Testament tradition is full of...

Backward and Forward

Backward One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes (remember that sitcom?) was in season 9, “The Betrayal.” It’s one of my favorites for one reason – the entire episode is backward. The episode opens with the whole gang in India, sharing one-liners and criticisms that no...
Building Community In Worship | Part 3

Building Community In Worship | Part 2

Luke 1:50 – “[God’s] mercy goes on from generation to generation, to all who fear him.” Previously, in Part 1 of this blog series on “building community in worship,” we looked at what Multigenerational Worship is, some of the scripture behind it, and why...
Summer Time

Summer Time

Summer is the Time for Rest The students are out of school, and summer break is in full swing! The excitement and enthusiasm I felt for summer time as a child is only surpassed by the excitement and enthusiasm I see in teachers longing for a well-deserved respite. The...
Building Community In Worship | Part 3

Building Community In Worship | Part 1

“Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts.” – Psalm 145:4 (The Message) Why does Central Bearden believe it is important to worship together as a multigenerational community of faith? Some have also come to...