
Blog > A Note From our Pastor

Holy Week

Holy Week

We call it Holy Week even though it’s not a phrase or description that’s found in scripture. It’s a tag we’ve created…

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

It must have been an incredibly exciting day! Jesus arrives in Jerusalem the last week before his impending death…

Ides of March

Ides of March

I’m writing this on the Ides of March. Sounds ominous, I know. Shakespeare made this day famous in his play, “Julius…

News & Updates

News & Updates

May I share another poem by Ann Weems from her collection Kneeling in Jerusalem? The title is simply “Lent.” Lent is a time…

The Walk to Jerusalem

The Walk to Jerusalem

May I share another poem by Ann Weems from her collection Kneeling in Jerusalem? The title is simply “Lent.” Lent is a time…

Martha Stearns Marshall

Martha Stearns Marshall

Since 2007, Baptist Women in Ministry has invited Baptist churches to participate in the Martha Stearns Marshall Month…

Ash Wednesday & Pandemics

Ash Wednesday & Pandemics

On Ash Wednesday, millions of Christians around the world engage in the ancient ritual known as “the imposition of ashes…

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