Blog > Advent Devotionals
The Chrismon Tree: The Weary World Rejoices
The word Chrismon (Kris-mon) comes from “Christ+monogram,” meaning a monogram of our Lord. The first Christians…
For Yonder Breaks A New and Glorious Morn: The Weary World Rejoices
“O Holy Night” gives us imagery of the first Advent with the line, “for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.” But the reality…
His Power and Glory Evermore Proclaim: The Weary World Rejoices
This is my God story – a story of His peace, His love, and my hope. My hope was in the Lord during a long difficult journey of recovery…
O Holy Night: The Weary World Rejoices
Sometimes in our lives there seems to be the repetition of a thing, event, wise counsel, or even a concept. As strange as it may seem…
December 25: The Weary World Rejoices
The vivid lyrics of “O Holy Night” transport us to the night of a miracle beyond our comprehension – the birth of the long-awaited Messiah…
December 24: The Weary World Rejoices
God’s purpose and longing for his creation has always been that we might not only be recipients of his great love and peace…
December 23: The Weary World Rejoices
We are familiar with nativity sets depicting Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels, and baby Jesus. Often animals are included – camels, sheep…
December 22: The Weary World Rejoices
As a child, my family had morning prayer time at 4:00 a.m. At that time a bell was rung three times. Although I slept very near…
December 21: The Weary World Rejoices
Yes, Christmas is a time for celebration of our Father’s love for us but we cannot stop there. Through the commandment in John 13:34…
December 20: The Weary World Rejoices
He bounced up to the front of the room and eagerly took hold of his calico cat puppet, giving it a two-armed bear hug. As he…