Harper Auto Project Agreement
The Car Wash Task Force recommends the church membership approve a property agreement with the following general terms. Upon completion of legal documents formalizing the general conditions described below, the trustees shall be authorized to execute the property agreement.
A called business meeting will be held Sunday, December 19 at 4PM to discuss and vote on this agreement. Per Central Bearden’s Bylaws, voting is for church members only.
Key Terms of the Property Agreement:
Harper Properties will relinquish all rights to access to their property from Anderson Drive. Both parties will support the legal closing of Anderson Drive west of the intersection of Henry Chiles Street. Only the City can close Anderson Drive.
Central Bearden
The church agrees to deed over a permanent access aisle from Deane Hill Drive along the church’s far west boundary to the parcel Harper Properties is purchasing. The width of the access aisle is to be 40’-0” in width, or as required by the City of Knoxville. This is approximately 1/4 acre.
The property above will provide Harper Properties with a legal Deane Hill address and allow them to
place a sign near Deane Hill Drive.
Harper Properties
Harper agrees to deed over approximately 3/4 acres of land on the eastern-most portion of their property which is adjacent to church property housing the Ministry Center/Bloom buildings and the western end of Anderson Drive.
As part of this 3/4 acres, Harper agrees to deed over a permanent parcel of land along the north side of their property. The width of the property will be 30’ in width and will allow the church to maintain a two-way drive from our east parking areas to our parking on the west.
Sunday and Traffic Restriction:
Harper would not be open for business prior to noon on Sundays. Harper’s intent for now is to be completely closed on Sundays.
Support for proper fencing and gates to separate the properties and traffic flow of the church and Harper Properties. It is the church’s intent to install a gate for limiting traffic flow behind the church.
Additional Considerations:
Maintaining NBZ parking agreement of 16 parking spaces on church property
Harper Properties will allow access from their access drive off Deane Hill to the NBZ property.
Harper Properties will work with the church and the City of Knoxville in an attempt to share retention easements near the railroad tracks at the back of the properties for any areas required by the City to collect or store runoff from the two properties.
A landscape buffer, as required by the City of Knoxville, will be provided on the Harper property along our property lines.
Project Agreement Teams
Gary Schmieder
Brad Howard (Finance Committee Chairperson)
Steve Jones (Finance Committee)
Bill Vinson (Church Architect)
Susan Fendley
John King (Property Attorney Consultant)
Eddie Shipe, Chairperson
John Brock
Alan Kirk
Mike Roberts
Angelia Nystrom
PDF Packet
This information is available as a pdf in more detail.