Remove the Risk
Untangling the Opioid Crisis
The misuse of and addiction to opioids is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. Beginning April 18, we will be partnering with Samaritan Ministry to remove the risk of opioids in our households and community. This crisis has touched our church families personally as well as our community. Christ calls us to love one another, and we can love those in our community affected by this crisis by educating ourselves and bringing awareness to this issue.
Schedule of Events
Sunday April 18 (During Worship)
- Interview about the crisis in our community with Karen Pershing, Executive Director of the Metro Drug Coalition to learn about the crisis in our community.
- Distribution of Deterra Drug Deactivation Pouches following worship and throughout our Remove the Risk emphasis.
Wednesday April 21 (During Judges Study)
- Short discussion with Wade
Sunday, April 25 (During Worship)
- Interview about the crisis with guest, Dr. Stephen Lloyd, former Medical Director and Assistant Commissioner for Substance Abuse Services for the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. For the last eight years he has focused on addiction medicine with an interest in the opioid dependent pregnant patient. He has been in recovery from addiction to opioids and benzodiazepines since July 8, 2004.
- Deterra Pouches available in Welcome Center.
Wednesday, April 28 – Finding Help
- Sanctuary & Livestream
- Recovery Interview & Resources for finding help with Jason Goodman – director of Recovery Support services at Metro Drug Coalition. Jason has dedicated his career to expanding access to recovery support services, supporting those in/or seeking recovery, and assisting families affected by addiction. He is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, ACEs trainer, QPR gatekeeper and a CCAR Trained Recovery Coach.
Sunday, May 2 (During Worship)
- NARCAN discussion with Wayne Smith
Wednesday, May 5 – NARCAN Training
- Sanctuary & Livestream
- NARCAN Training with Jessica Stanley, Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist with the Metro Drug Coalition. Jessica currently serves Knox County as the Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist. She provides educational training on the administration of Naloxone, reducing stigma and harm reduction. Jessica is an overdose survivor and uses her own experience, strength and hope to reach and provide education to others who have or know someone with Substance Use Disorder.
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