
Advent Peace

Advent Peace

This Sunday we light the Candle of Peace, allowing ourselves – forcing ourselves – to face our world’s lack of trust, lack of civility…

December 2: The Weary World Rejoices

December 2: The Weary World Rejoices

Do I allow my worship to be hindered by my environment? I may not like the music, my children (or other people’s children) may be too loud, someone was rude to me—whatever it is.



Our Sunday morning series on miracles in Matthew's gospel continues to challenge me. What is the role of Faith in...

December 1: The Weary World Rejoices

December 1: The Weary World Rejoices

Do I allow my worship to be hindered by my environment? I may not like the music, my children (or other people’s children) may be too loud, someone was rude to me—whatever it is.

Advent Hope

Advent Hope

Advent is here but are we ready? How are we, with all that is happening, thinking about Advent this year? Our theme...

Can We Find Hope?

Can We Find Hope?

I finally just had to turn off the daily news on television, turn off the reports on the radio, and put the iPad...

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