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Sunday Bible Class
We have a Sunday morning Bible class for adults with special needs that meets at Central Bearden Church from 9:00-10:00 a.m. During this time, we utilize fun, interactive, and unique ways to present Bible stories, practical means to implement Bible truths, and appropriate ways for each individual to learn about God’s love for them and how they can show His love to others. Since our class members have different learning styles and ability levels, we help them to interact with each other and curriculum materials in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them. We seek to be an active and contributing part of the life of Central Bearden as door greeters, worship participants during our congregational worship hour, meet with other groups ie. College/young adult members, etc.
We believe that we are not just consumers of our faith but active contributors to the life of the church. Not all class members are members of Central Bearden. Therefore, if you choose, you can attend our class and any church of your choice. All are welcome to become a part of our class as we grow in knowledge of and love for Jesus Christ.

BLOOM Center Adult Program
The BLOOM (Building Lives Occupational and Outreach Ministry) Center is a fully functional greenhouse and is a practical, hands-on ministry of Central Bearden Baptist Church at 6300 Deane Hill Drive in Knoxville.
The adult program goals include: work skills ie. staying on task, following directions and routines, expanding verbal expression and new vocabulary related to being a part of a functioning greenhouse. However, we include in our programming, the opportunity for fun, social interaction with peers and volunteers ie. playing basketball onsite, eating lunch together, community trips, special holiday parties, etc.
We work at the BLOOM Center on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11:30-1:00 during the Knox County school year and then continue earlier morning hours during June. We close during July and August.

As the special needs ministry grows, church life and community involvement of our participants is expanding.
Missions involvement through a monthly activity time on the first Wednesday night of each month.
Community service through providing flowers for Random Acts of Flowers on a weekly basis.
Social growth through planned, fun events both at the church location and community sites.
Job opportunities encouraged as we collaborate with community agencies.
Family ministry developed through planned respite events, support by prayer partnering with the family, celebrating achievements with party times, and holiday events.

Contact Information
Rev. Tim Earl
Minister of Missions and Engagement
865-588-0586 ext.107
Alternate contact:
Nancy Reeves
Volunteer Adults with Special Needs Coordinator