We look forward to having guest lecturer, Dr. Bill Warren from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Warren is Professor of New Testament and Greek at the seminary and will focus on the Parables of Jesus during his time with us. Dr. Warren has also been a pastor and missionary.
Watch the video from Dr. Warren about his time with us.
All are invited to join us for the “Roy and Joyce Cope Wyatt Lectures” on Nov 26-27 at 6pm in Fellowship Hall at Central Bearden. On Sunday, Nov. 26 we will have light refreshments available at 5:30 pm and Monday, Nov 27, we will have a light soup & salad meal at 5:30pm by reservation. Email Sharon Hogan at [email protected] if you would like to reserve your light meal for Monday. (You do not have to eat but we are offering this option for those interested.)
The Focus is: “The Parables of Jesus: Amazing Stories that Challenge and Teach”
Sunday AM (Nov. 26): “Who is My Neighbor?”- Luke 10:25-37
Sunday PM (Nov. 26:): “Understanding the Kingdom of God through the Parables”- Mark 4, Matthew 13, Matthew 24-25
Monday PM: (Nov. 27) “Understanding God and Ourselves through the Parables”- Luke 11, 12, 15-16, 18.
Questions? Contact the church office or Sharon Hogan.